Thursday, March 3, 2011

Question Thursday (5)

So happy I'm getting back into doing these again!! So, this week's question: Do you giveaway your own books? Do you find it hard to recieve a book for review and then give it up?

I have to admit, I'm a book whore. I hate sharing books and hate lending mine to friends because I like to keep mine looking as new as possible. So when I get a book for review I honestly want to give it away to a fellow reader, but once I really think about it and am planning it I start feeling really sad. And it's just a damn book too!! But books are just so pretty and smell great and...I love seeing them on my bookshelf <3

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I hope you know who this is. The future Katniss. She will be Katniss. If not, the world has gone crazy.

This is just my opinion of who I want to play Katniss, Hailee Steinfeld. There is no confirmation that she has gotten the role, but she has admitted to meeting with Gary Ross. Good sign, right??