Friday, August 13, 2010

Read-A-Thon Starts Today!!

It's here! I know I'm posting late but my internet is very sucky. Plus, I'm at the Thirteenth Chime Twitter Party! Come join if you want: #The13thChime

My plan is to read as much as I can- especially library books. I know it's supposed to be books we own, but the library is like my home so I say it counts! I really want to finish at least a few of these:
Sea by Heidi R. Kling
Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
13 To Life by Shannon Delaney
Breathless by Lurlene McDaniel
Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith

The first 3 are library books and I've read the first 2 Vampire Diaries books but I have yet to read the rest, and I've had this book for over a year and a half. So that's my goal. Good luck to me!


  1. Thanks for joining! Psh I started late too :)


  2. Good luck with your reads! Even if you start late, you still get more reading done than if you weren't participating at all!


Thanks for leaving a comment! I read them all!